Tägliche Tauchausflüge

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Tauchinfo and Preise

Wir zeigen euch das allerbste, was Eilat anzubieten hat: Korallenriffe, Wracks und viele exotische Tiere in ihrer großen Vielfalt, für welche das Rote Meer bekannt ist. Wir bieten euch erstklassige Tauchausrüstung, persönlichen Service und sorgenfreies Tauchen. 
In May 2017 nahmen wir unser maßgeschneidertes Tauchboot Ashira, in Betrieb, um eine neue Dimension – und damit neue Tauchplätze – zu unseren täglichen Tauchexkursionen hinzu zufügen. Ob Boot oder Strandtauchgänge, wir wählen die besten Tauchplätze aus. Wir ziehen dazu die Interessen und Wünsche unserer Tauchgäste, den Zertifikationsgrad sowie die Erfahrung unserer Taucher in betracht. 

Tauchinfo and Preise
Wenn ihr mit uns tauchen wollt, aber keine Tauchzertifikation habt, besucht bitte unsere Discover Scuba Diving Seite.

Wir gehen jeden morgen auf zwei Boot und Strandtauchgänge in kleinen Gruppen – im allgemeinen mit nicht mehr als 4 Tauchern pro Gruppe. Wir tun unser Bestes, um Taucher mit gleichem Zertifikationslevel und gleicher Erfahrung zu einer Gruppe zusammenzubringen.

Der Tag beginnt damit, daß wir unsere Tauchgäste vom Hotel oder einer anderer Unterkunft abholen – soweit die Unterkunft in Eilat und nicht ausserhalf oder am Südstrand liegt. Im allgemeinen geschieht das um 9 Uhr. Wer selbständig zur Tauchbasis kommen will, möchte bitte zwischen 9:00 und 9:15 dort ankommen. Das erste Stop ist das dive Tauchzentrum, wo am ersten Tauchtag Papierkram und die Auswahl der Tauchausrüstung vorgenommen werden. Dann könnt ihr etwas ausruhen während das Boot oder die Fahrzeuge mit Ausrüstung beladen werden. Die Tauchplätze sind etwa 15 minuten per Auto und 25 Minuten per Boot entfernt. Die Anlegestelle für das Boot ist etwa hundert meter von der Tauchbasis entfernt.

Unsere Tauchzeiten hängen von der Luftversorgung der Taucher ab und Tauchgänge von einer Stunde sind keine Seltenheit. Nach dem ersten Tauganeg machen wir eine Pause von etwa einer Stunde mit Mineralwasser und Kuchen. In der Zwischenzeit wechseln wir die Tauchflaschen. Wir kommen dann gegen 14:00 oder 14:30 wieder zu Tauchzentrum zurück, wo wir ihr euch mit Süßwasser abduschen und umkleiden könnt.

Einzel-Tauchgänge am Ufer, Nachmittags-Tauchgänge und Nachttauchgänge müssen im Voraus arrangiert werden und erfordern eine Mindestanzahl von Tauchern.

Bitte lest den Paragraph über das Israelische Tauchgesetz (Tauchversicherungspflicht, Mindestalter, und maximale Tauchtiefen).

‘Refresher Dives’
Die israelischen Tauchregungen schreiben vor, das sein Refresher gemacht werden muß, wenn ein Tauch in den letzten 6 Monaten nicht getaucht hat. Ausgenommen sind Master Scuba Divers, Divemaster und Instructors.

Wenn nötig können wir die Übungen vor dem ersten Tauchgang machen. Das kostet nichts extra, es bleibt dann noch genügend Zeit und Luft, den ersten Tauchgang zu geniessen.

Preise inklusive komplette Ausrüstung, Tauchcomputer; kostenloses Nitrox für Taucher mit Nitroxzertifikat, Hotel pickup, mineral water and Snacks.
Bootstauchen Preise
2 Tauchgänge NIS 395
3. Tauchgang (gleicher Tag) NIS 150
Tauchen am Ufer Preise
2 Tauchgänge NIS 325
2 Tauchgänge mit Eintritt zum Coral Beach Nature Reserve NIS 350
3. Tauchgang (gleicher Tag) NIS 150
Einzel Tauchgang NIS 200
Nachttauchgang im Winter NIS 200
Nachttauchgang im Summer (Sommerzeit in Israel) NIS 250


Vielen Taucher geniessen es, einfach auf’s Boot zu gehen und auf’s Meer hinauszufahren. Wir bieten tägliche Boottouren auf unserem maßgescheidertenTauchboot an.

Vom Boot (Ashira) betauchen wir an die besten Tauchplätzen in Eilat, darunter viele, die nicht vom Ufer erreichbar sind.

Die Bootsfahrt auf unserer Ashira bietet schattige Sitzplätze und eine stabile Platform für den Einstieg ins Wasser. Wir verwenden Anlegeboyen, geankert wird in Eilat nicht, um die Korallen nicht zu beschädigen..

Ein paar Einschränkungen
Nach israelischen Tauchreglungen müssen Taucher, die im letzten halben Jahr nicht getaucht haben einen Refresher machen. Das kann nicht immer vom Boot aus gemacht werden. Daher ist es am besten, den ersten Tag Shore Diving und die folgende Tage Boat Diving zu machen.

Asserdem: wer nur ein Scuba Diver Zertifikat hat oder Open Water Taucher mit sehr beschränkter Erfahrung (unter 10 Tauchgängen) kann in den meisten Fällen am ersten Tag nicht auf’s Boot. Bitte nicht verärgert sein! Sicherheit steht bei uns ganz oben. Die meisten Verankerungen für die Boyen liegen recht tief. Wer nicht an Einstiege im offenen Meer gewöhnt ist, mag da Schwierigkeiten haben. Daher raten wir an, den ersten Tauchtag als „shore day“ zu machen und die darauffolgenden Tage vom Boot zu tauchen.

Diese Einschränkungen gelten auch für Leute die sich für Boottauchen eingeschrieben haben.

Shore Diving (Tauchen am Ufer)

Tauchen am Ufer ist sehr einfach in Eilat, da das seichte Riff bis an die Küste herankommt. Wir helfen euch gerne bei Einstieg.

Shore dives sind besonders für Anfänger geeignet, da sie noch unter den Füssen fühlen bis sie das erste Mal untertauchen. Manche erfahrene Taucher, jedoch, geniessen auch den langsamen Abstieg.


Nature Reserve Pier
Vom Steg des Coral Beach Nature Reserves (Dive sites 11 and 12) gelangt man über Treppen ins Wasser. Manchmal bei Ebbe ist ein kleiner Sprung nötig. Beim Ausstieg, klettert der Guide zuerst hinaus und nimmt Gewichte und Flossen entgegen. Wer mit der ganzen Ausrüstung austeigen will, kann das natürlich auch tun.

Dive Sites - Tauchplätze
Unsere Tauchpätze reichen vom nördlichen Golf der israelischen Küste bis zur Ägyptischen Grenze. Jordanien sowie Saudi Arabien liegen im Osten. Ohne zu übertreiben, kennen wir diese Riffe besser als jeder andere. Wir tauchen an Plätzen, wo sonst keiner taucht, entweder weil sie anderen unbekannt sind oder weil sie nur für erfahrene Taucher angemessen sind.

Es gibt keine tauchplatzspezifischen Tiere. Daher taucht aus nichts derartiges in unserer Liste auf. Es gibt überall viele farbige Riffische. Oft findet man Moränen, Skorpionfische, Steinfische, Feuerfische, Octopoden, Krabben und Garnelen sowie Nacktschnecken und deren Verwandte. Wir sehen auch Schildkröten, Blaupunktrochen, Anglerfische, Adlerrochen und Geisterfische. Auch Tunfischarten und Makrelen sowie Barakudas sehen wir gelegentlich, insbesondere bei Boottauchgängen.

Die Tauchplätze sind von Nord nach Süd aufgelistet. Die ‘Advanced’ Tauchplätze sind folgendermassen gekennzeichnet: AOW nur für Taucher mit Advanced Open Water oder höher. AOW/N bedeutet am besten mit Nitrox. DEEP bedeutet Zertifikation 40m erforderlich.

Voräufig sind die Dive Sites noch nicht übersetzt, sie erscheinen hier auf englisch.

Northern Dive Sites 

The northern sites are located 'in town' or just outside of it, and offer a variety of unique underwater experiences as well as easy-access dive training opportunities.

1. Sunboat

The venerable Sunboat had a long and diverse history on the water, including time spent as the first liveaboard diving boat in Sinai.
It was donated to the diving community as an artificial reef by its colorful owner, longtime Eilat sea captain Shimshon Mashiach, and was purposely sunk in 2010 almost 300m (1,000 ft) off the north shore of the Gulf, between Herod's and the religious (single-sex) beach.

Unfortunately, the location for the sinking was poorly chosen by the authorities, as the boat sits in silty sand that limits visibility, and the situation gets worse every year because of storm runoff from the Arava Valley into the sea. The 30m (100 ft) wreck sits at a depth of about 13m (43 ft) and would be accessible to all divers but for the silty conditions which can make diving the lower-deck living quarters very challenging. 

3. Underwater Restaurant

The Red Sea Star underwater restaurant was a grandiose engineering project and spectacular business failure. Twice.
The above-water part of the structure, which in the past featured a bar and other amenities, is a visual landmark standing empty and abandoned at the end of a long footbridge. The only way to enjoy the restaurant today is from the outside, gawking at this underwater monument to ingenuity and bad taste, and the diverse sea life that inhabits its environs. In other words, it's a fun visit to a wreck that was never a ship.  

In recent years, much of the coral growth on and around the structure has been trampled to death by an unregulated underwater 'scooter' attraction. Nevertheless, this site makes a very enjoyable second or third dive, with a maximum depth of about 14m (45 ft) and lots to see.

2. City Reef

We come here often for Discover Scuba dives when the visibility is good, and also for Open Water Course training dives. The site features a pleasant mini-reef dropping off from about 2m (6.5 ft) down to about 5-6m (15-20 ft) at a distance of about 20m (65 ft) from the beach entrance. Farther out there are several nice coral pinnacles with a surprisingly diverse fish population. Dives here are to a maximum of 7-8m (23-26 ft).

4. Dekel (Palm) Beach

Dekel Beach is a great training site with a number of healthy coral pinnacles surrounded by colorful fishes. This is one of our favorite site for Discover Scuba Diving programs as well as confined water dives (and initial open-water dives) in Open Water and Scuba Diver courses. We usually dive here to a maximum of 12m (30 ft).

5. Song of the Sea Canyon

At the southern end of Dekel Beach, this advanced dive site has a landscape unlike any other in Eilat: a sandy channel sloping down from 18m (60 ft) to over 30m (100 ft) is flanked on both sides by coral-covered canyon walls that slope up to a healthy and diverse coral reef plateau on both sides. 

Coral Beach Area

Some of the Coral Beach Area dive sites are among the most popular in Eilat, because of the short distance from the large dive centers.

6. Sufa Missile Boat (Satil)

One of the most popular dives in Eilat, the Saar 3-class missile boat Sufa (Storm) was removed from active service in the Israeli Navy after 25 years and sunk in 1994 as a dive attraction.
 “Satil” is the Hebrew acronym for missile boat and remains the popular name for this excellent dive site.

Standing upright in 25m (82 ft) of water, this 48m (150 ft) long steel-hulled former warship is accessible for all levels of divers (except Scuba Divers). The deck lies at a depth of 20m (66 ft) and so the entire superstucture and soft coral-bedecked instrumentation mast rising to a depth of 12m (40 ft) can be enjoyed by everybody. More advanced divers will enjoy a little bit of exploration in the below-decks areas opened to the sea. 

The history of this ship is no less fascinating than the dive itself. The Sufa was one of the famous Boats of Cherbourg (link to wikipedia page) liberated from that French seaport in a daring 1969 Israeli operation, following an export embargo imposed by French president De Gaulle.
In Israel's 1973 Yom Kippur War, the Sufa and its sister ships helped sink Soviet-supplied Egyptian missile boats in the Battle of Damietta-Baltim near Port Said and subsequently participated in the shelling of Minat al Bayda Port north of Latakia on the Syrian coast.

We often use the site for a Wreck Adventure Dive as part of an Advanced Open Water Course, and it's perfect for planning and executing all of the dives of the PADI Wreck Diver Specialty Course. The grassy part of the slope leading down to the wreck is also a premier location for night dives featuring nudibranchs, sea hares (in late winter), cuttlefishes and lots of other interesting invertebrates.

9. Amphi

There are a number of routes to explore through healthy corals and spectactular underwater scenery east and north of the Yatush, all of them deeper than 30m (100 ft). East of the Yatush (further down the slope) is a natural amphitheater of sand surrounded by an oval bowl of dense corals, giving the area its name.

The sandy bottom of the amphi is at 45m (147 ft) but a good view of the area can be had by looping around at a maximum depth of no more than 40m (130 ft). The amphi is actually one of several deep ‘amphis’ in a chain but at this site we're more likely to want to explore an area of dramatic coral formations on the dropoff from 30m to 40m (100 ft to 130 ft). 

7. Paradise

Beyond (east of) the Satil lies a seemingly endless field of dense hard corals with average depth of about 27m (90 ft). This is a nice advanced dive to do on nitrox, and if you've got good air consumption we can combine this site with a tour of the Satil on a single dive. 

8. Netz Patrol Boat (Yatush)

Netz-class patrol boats saw service in the Israeli Navy in the 1970s, but having been built by the US for riverine warfare in Vietnam were not well suited to the rigors of the open sea. This retired Netz-class boat was purposely dropped on the reef during the 1980s at 30m (100 ft) just north of Site No. 7, Coral Beach. It's popularly called the Yatush because at some point in time it was misidentified as one of the Yatush-class patrol boats that had been stationed on the Dead Sea and the name, inexplicably, stuck.

Students of American politics will recall the controversy in the 2004 presidential election surrounding candidate John Kerry's Vietnam War-era service aboard a US Navy ‘Swift Boat.’ This is your opportunity to dive to one!

However, at a length of only 15m (50 ft) and endowed with an aluminum hull on which nothing grows, the Yatush is not a very interesting wreck dive. We occasionally use it for the deep dive of the Advanced Open Water Course or upon customer request, in which case we try to add some exploration of the coral slope south of the boat to make an outing of it. We also may visit as part of a deeper dive in the area – read on...

10. Coral Beach

The Coral Beach area is where the large Eilat dive centers are concentrated, just north of the fence marking the northern border of the Coral Beach Nature Reserve. We do training dives here but not guided dives (except occasionally to head out to the Yatush or Amphi sites) because the area is dominated by large sandy expanses and a lot of student divers. 

Coral Beach Nature Reserve Dive Sites 

The 'closed' part of the Coral Beach Nature Reserve is accessible from shore only by paying an entrance fee, or by boat. Shore access is from a wooden pier with broad stairs leading down to the water. While the nature reserve actually extends south all the way to the Egyptian border, this fence-enclosed area contains some of the healthiest and most diverse sections of coral reef. Because of the sensitive nature of the enviroment, we can't take inexperienced divers here on their first day of diving with us.

11. Nature Reserve / Moses Rock

One of the highlights of any dive in this area is Moses Rock, a 9m (30 ft) high pinnacle full of hard and soft corals teeming with colorful fishes. Photographers particularly enjoy this area because there's always sunlight on one side or the other. Nearby in the shallows is the colorful Joshua Rock, another sunlit area full of hard corals and reef fishes. 

The area south of the entrance pier comprises a couple hundred meters of dense reef – it's really a continuation of the northern Japanese Gardens site – highlighted by a coral-rich ‘mini-wall’ dropping off to 39m (127 ft) which makes it a favorite dive site for both AOW and Deep-certified divers.

There is a small surcharge for diving here to cover the entrance fee.

12 and 13. Japanese Gardens —
North and South

The Japanese Gardens cover nearly a kilometer (over half a mile) of the Coral Beach Nature Reserve and contain the healthiest and most diverse areas of dense coral reef in Eilat. Much of it is officially protected and off-limits to divers, except by boat. We have a boat!

The area around the southern Japanese Gardens boat mooring boasts a steeply sloping reef down to 40m (130 ft).

The northern Japanese Gardens boat mooring offers perhaps the most coral-rich shallow dive in Eilat.


South Beach Dive Sites 

The South Beach sites are located over several kilometers just north of the Taba border crossing with Egypt. This is an area of diverse coral reefs, lively shallow coral pinnacles (bommies) and eel gardens, deep coral fields and lots of interesting fish life. Although not closed off with a fence, the South Beach is still a part of the Coral Beach Nature Reserve and the rules of the reserve still apply here – keep your hands, legs and fins off the environment!

14. Lighthouse Reef

This stretch of reef can be dived to any depth. A shallow, colorful, sunlit reef gives way to a slope that drops off to more than 30m (100 ft).

Unlike the sites further south where the shallow areas are characterized by coral pinnacles extending nearly to the surface from a mostly sandy bottom, Lighthouse Reef has a broad shallow expanse densely covered with small hard coral heads. The corals are full of small damselfishes and many other colorful reef fishes.

The slope, which flattens out somewhat below a depth of 30m (100 ft) is also interesting and often yields surprises.br> 

16. Wonderland

The deeper area off the slope of the Three Sisters site features dramatic underwater scenery marked by large hard coral colonies. A dive to 40m (130 ft) here is highly recommended for any appropriately certified divers, but even when starting from a depth of 30m (100 ft),  the reefscape is impressive. We'll generally sweep south over the deep landscape and then make our way back up to the slope and to the adjacent ‘Caves’ site as described earlier. More often than not, a gentle north-south current will help us along the way. On rare occasions the current will be going in the other direction and we'll head north in the direction of Lighthouse Reef. Currents in Eilat cannot really be predicted with any accuracy because tidal flows are so minimal, but gentle north-to-south currents are the most common. Strong currents are rare.

18. Veronica Rock

Veronica Rock is a typical South Beach site with a shallow sandy area dotted with small coral pinnacles, and a slope that falls off from about 6m (20 ft) to about 27m (90 ft). The Veronica Rock is a pinnacle at 10m (33 ft) that offers a lot of fish action.

This is a pleasant dive site for Open Water divers, with lots to see at moderate depths. 

20. Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks marks the southern end of the Ridge with two unique coral pinnacles literally buzzing with fish life. We used to dive this site from shore (with Nitrox-certified divers only), but since we instituted daily boat diving there's no need to work so hard!

The area we'll explore is a mostly flat expanse of hard corals beginning at a depth of around 25m (80 ft), and if time permits (meaning: depending on your air consumption) we'll dive through some of the adjacent Neptune's Tables site. 

22. Neptune's Tables

The southernmost dive site in the State of Israel! This area, south of the Princess hotel and north of the entrance to the Taba (Egypt) border terminal, has long been known (and named) for the impressive acropora tables found in the deeper sections of the site.

But this site, one of our favorites, offers much more: The shallow reef table (3-6m,  10-20 ft) includes healthy sunlit coral pinnacles loaded with diverse sea life, and the largest colony of garden eels in Eilat. On the patch reef slope (6-25m, 20-80 ft) are large and small coral pinnacles with colorful reef fishes swimming through holes in the coral.  Eventually the slope flattens out to grassy meadows that extend to 30m (100 ft) and beyond, punctuated by large acropora tables and other corals. It's not uncommon to see colorful nudibranchs here in winter.

15. Three Sisters

TThis is a versatile site with a number of underwater routes available to us. The name speaks to the three beautiful coral pinnacles spaced out along the shallow sandy-bottomed reef table to the south.

Very often we'll turn a dive that starts here into a one-way tour (or even a mild drift dive if there's some movement in the water). In this case we'll exit at the adjacent ‘Caves’ site which is used by other Eilat dive centers for their shallow ‘intro’ dives, and your dive guide will walk back to bring the vehicle and pick you up at the exit with your gear.

The area around the entrance of this site is the only place on the South Beach where the Nature Authority allows dive training for beginner divers, so we'll sometimes come here either for Discover Scuba Diving programs or for one or more confined-water dives of the Open Water course.

17. Coral Hill

Coral Hill is the northernmost of a number of South Beach boat moorings that take us to areas of dense coral away from the onshore reef. 

In addition to the deep 'coral hill', we can dive the slope and explore the shallow, sunlit  areas here as well.  

19. The Ridge

The Ridge is another great South Beach site where we begin our dive away from the comfort of the onshore slope and explore the reef beyond.

TThe reef lying beyond the bottom of the Veronica Rock slope is a seemingly endless, undulating expanse of diverse hard corals, at depths mostly between 25 and 27m (80-90 ft). The Ridge extends both north and south, but unless there's a strong current coming from the north we'll go south to visit the densest and most interesting sections.

21. Princess Beach

The area between and south of the two swimming piers of the (now-closed) Princess Hotel offers a fine area for deep exploration with an average depth of about 25m (82 ft), and sunlit coral gardens no more than a few meters deep. It can also sometimes be interesting to discover what sealife is sheltering under the two piers.  


Nudibranch dives! (February-May)
Contact us for more information

Other ‘dive sites’
We have to mention these because people ask us all the time. There's so much incorrect and outdated information on the internet that it's hard to keep up. Here are the ones we get asked about most:

DOLPHIN REEF is not a dive site. It's a privately owned attraction where people can book diving and snorkeling experiences with captive Black Sea dolphins. You can also just pay for entrance to their beach, and you may even see a dolphin while enjoying their beach.

THE EEL GARDEN is a shallow patch of sand in the Coral Beach training area with some garden eels. There are more impressive eel gardens that we can visit as part of some South Beach dive sites like Neptune's Tables.

TAMAR REEF (Shunit Tamar) is an ugly chunk of concrete a small artificial reef structure at 6m (20 ft) in a barren, sandy area of the Coral Beach training site. Marine biology students glue corals on it every year to make it look alive, though it has attracted a permanent fish population.
UNIVERSITY is an extension of the Lighthouse Reef dive site (No. 14) where the students at the adjacent interuniversity marine institute have set up coral-growing experiments, most of which appear to have failed. We think it's ugly and uninteresting.

THE CAVES comprises a very shallow section (3-4m, 10ft) of reef table with a couple of holes in the coral. There aren't any caves! It's heavily used for intro dives for non-divers. It's a nice, colorful area and worth a few minutes of your time (but not a whole dive), so we often exit here on a dive starting at Three Sisters, Wonderland or Coral Hill.

Snorcheln in Eilat kann viel Spaß machen, denn schon das seichte Riff hat viele farbige Fische.

Wir bieten begleitete Schnorcheltouren an den nach unserer Meinung besten Schnorchelstellen an: Princess Beach und Lighthouse Beach. Dazu gehört Schnorchelausrüstung und ein erfahrener Schnorchelguide. Wir haben auch ein paar optische Masken fuer kursichtige, besser sind aber Einwegkontaktlinsen. Wir haben auch Schnorcheltrips zu zwei Plätzen mit etwas Snacks und Wasser für die Pause.

Wir verleihen auch Schnorchelausrüstung für Schnorchler, die as Begleiter von Tauchern mitkommen und schnorcheln währen die Taucher unter Wasser sind. Die Schnorchler sind dann unabhängig und nicht unter Aufsicht. Schnorchler, die ins Coral Beach Nature Reserve mitkommen bezahlen dort Eintrittsgebühr, zur Zeit NIS 33.

Es tut uns leid, dass wir im allgemeinen keine Schnorchler auf’s Boot mitnehmen können, da die Bootboyen ausserhalb der sicheren Schwimmzonen liegen.

Gehen nach Gruppengröße und sind inklusive Ausrüstung.
Geführtes Schnorcheln, 1-2 Personen
NIS 300
Doppel Schnorchel and zwei verschiedenen Plätzen,1-2 Personen NIS 450
Geführtes Schnorcheln, 3-4 Personen NIS 400
Doppel Schnorchel and zwei verschiedenen Plätzen, 3-4 people NIS 600
Schnorchelausrüstung für Schnorchler, die mit Tauchern mitkommen
NIS 60